Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Camfrog ID: x0x_HPT__P__U_S__A__x0x
Age: 24
Location: Japan

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Age: 23
Location: Manila, Philippines
Camfrog ID: x0x_HPT_SWEET_VIRGINIA_x0x
Age: 25
Location: Japan

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Camfrog ID: x0x_HPT_I_WANT_MORE_x0x
Age: 22
Location: Manila, Philippines
Camfrog ID: x0x_HPT_MYKA_x0x
Age: 24
Location: Japan
Camfrog ID: x0x_HPT_PINKISH_x0x
Age: 23
Location: Manila, Philippines

Monday, October 19, 2009

Camfrog ID: x0x_HPT_AB_AB_x0x
Age: 26
Location: Manila, Philippines
Camfrog ID: x0x_HPT_SWEETCLAIRE19862009_x0x
Age: 23
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Camfrog ID: x0x_HPT_LILCUTE26_x0x
Age: 26
Location: Philippines
Camfrog ID: x0x_HPT_ANTISSA_x0x
Age: 23
Location: United Kingdom
Camfrog ID: x0x_HPT_COOLINE_x0x
Age: 25
Location: Manila, Philippines
Camfrog ID: x0x_HPT_JAPONESA77_x0x
Age: 20
Location: Japan

Saturday, October 17, 2009

HPT 4th Grand EyeBall & Poolside Party

HPT's 4th Grand Eye Ball was held at poolside party in Silver Spring Resort, Laguna last October 9, 2009 attended by 40-50 active family members. Not even the last typhoon Ondoy which devastated major parts of Metro Manila and Central Luzon prevented party goers to mix chatting with drinks. Obviously though, the distance of the venue prevented some members to be present. Food and drinks flooded the venue and HPT makes sure everybody gets drunk and full and happy during the night.

The evening was highlighted with the giving of special awards to HPT members. HPT YOREE, TRESSBLUEFACE, S1LLY_WABB1T, KIKO and BIYAYA were awarded loyalty awards as tribute for their humble support as pioneers of HPT (3HPT awardees of same kind were not present). HPT LACTUBACILLI was given special award for hosting the GEB. Awarded as the Most Promising DJ was HPT ERNIE while New Teaser Discovery was PRINCESS_SATIN. Male of the Night Award goes to SUPAHPAPALICIOUS and Female of the Night was given to beauteous MARIEL. On the other hand, sweethearts CHILLI_SAUCE and VHETERANA was chosen as the Couple of the Night.

HPT would like to Thank our sponsors HPT PRETTY_BARBIE and YUMMY_PRINCESS for the venue. To HPT CARLOS_SHOOTER for the overflowing drinks. To DONE_IN_60_SEC for the crispy lechon. To HPT CANADA_DOLL, CUTIEPINAY, DARKMAGIC, NELLY, JOAN and COMPLICATED for this year' HPT souvenir T-shirts, key chains, pins, mugs and towels.

To main owner THERNFIRE_SHARINA Welcome HOME! To all HPT members THANK YOU! MORE POWER to Hottiest Pinay Teasers!