Age: 28
Location: Manila, Philippines
About Me: Im just a simple and reserved type of person who loves to hang out with mah friends especially wid my love ones. Im a wild and CraZy and chill, But over all im ToO ShY, Sometimes mistaken fOr CraZy.. bUt "IM A GOOD GURL UNDERNEATH IT ALL", Most of the time I am this incredibly strong, balanced and find time for myself but some of the time, I am weak, vulnerable, reckless, selfish, self-absorbed and disgusted.. I luv watching tv, singing, dancing, malling, cooking, strolling, bar hopping, txting wid my love ones:-)
uuuyyyy si ATE SIMPLY SENTI MODE..hehehehe
ate simply smile palagi then goodluck sa inyo ni sir lol
sana tumagal pa tayo sa HPT!!! ^^,
Beautiful... gorgeous! hottie!
hi, im arun. .saw you one night on in the chat room.you looked sad after that beutiful dance and somehow i thought you were not so happy being there. .makulit that time and the day after but somehow i wanted badly to get to know you. .is that possible?. . .there is no other way i know of to know you except through this and i know somebody else might read this. .bu what the heck. . .my email is montero_arun@yahoo.com.im an architect.im currently in dubai for a short design stint.im based in the bsed in the main office in Makati. .and dami ko ng sinabi. . .anyway, here is hoping that we might be able to get to know and meet each other sometime. .take care and do things that you are happy about. . .like they say, it is always our choice.keep smiling. . .i luv that smile.-desertlance
hi. . good to see you again . . .take care always. .dont let the clouds overwhelm the sunshine. .arun (desertlance)
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